lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008


HELLOW GUYS! I hope you had a nice weekend and that you enjoyed it. Well, I do not have much to talk about. My life is kind of bored. But, here are the photographs I promised I will post. They where taken by me. Some of them of course :S.

This is the first pic, I was scuba diving in the deepest part of the spring.

As you can see, there are many trees at the bottom of it.

In some of them you can sit and relax for a while :).

This pic was taken by a friend. Actually, he is the owner of the
scuba diving equipment. He has over 300 tanks. The one in the
back of the pic is another friend.

This is the biggest part of the spring. This part is the reason why it
is called la "Media Luna" I still can not find the shape. :s

These pics are from the places where it is more shallow.

People who bring little kids and babys prefer this part.

As you can see, I was not lying. The water is as clear as a crystal.

This pic was taken on the road to the grutas of "Catedral".
My next post I am going to talk about this wonderful place. It is great. Check the edge of the license plate. ;). Scuba Diver jaja. Well, g2g. See ya! Ba Bye

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